This document will guide you through the process of upgrading from G6 version 4.x
to 5.x
. If you are using version 3.x
, please upgrade to version 4.x
and remove the dependencies for version 4.x
.The data format in the new version has changed as follows:
, edges
, and combos
need to be placed within style
, and data attributes should be stored in data
:// 4.xconst data = {nodes: [{ id: 'node1', label: 'node1', size: 20 },{ id: 'node2', label: 'node2', size: 20 },],edges: [{ source: 'node1', target: 'node2' }],};// 5.xconst data = {nodes: [// The label is a non-stylistic attribute, placed in the data, and can be accessed in the style mapping function// The `size` is a stylistic attribute, placed within the `style`{ id: 'node1', data: { label: 'node1' }, style: { size: 20 } },{ id: 'node2', data: { label: 'node2' }, style: { size: 20 } },],edges: [{ source: 'node1', target: 'node2' }],};
Since we have redesigned and implemented the elements, please refer to the corresponding documentation to modify the new element options:
attribute:{nodes: [// Specify the node type as rect{ id: 'node1', type: 'rect' },];}
Change fitView / fitCenter / fitViewPadding
and fitCenter
options have been merged into autoFit
, you can configure it as autoFit: 'view'
, you can configure it as autoFit: 'center'
autoFit: {type: 'view',options: {// ...}}
has been changed to padding
.Removed linkCenter
In version 5.x, the edge connection mechanism will attempt to connect to nodes/Combos in the following order:
Removed groupByTypes
Removed autoPaint
Please manually call the render
or draw
method to perform rendering.
Changed modes
In version 5.x, interaction modes have been removed. You can switch the currently enabled behaviors by setting behaviors
// 4.x{modes: {default: ['drag-canvas', 'zoom-canvas'],preview: ['drag-canvas'],},}graph.setMode('preview');
// 5.x{behaviors: ['drag-canvas', 'zoom-canvas'],}graph.setBehaviors(['drag-canvas']);
Change defaultNode / defaultEdge / defaultCombo
The element styles have been moved to [element].style
, for example, defaultNode
has been changed to
// 4.x{defaultNode: {size: 20,fill: 'red',}}// 5.x{node: {style: {size: 20,fill: 'red',}}}
Change nodeStateStyles / edgeStateStyles / comboStateStyle
Element state styles have been moved to [element].state
, for example, nodeStateStyles
has been changed to node.stateStyles
// 4.x{nodeStateStyles: {selected: {fill: 'red',}}}// 5.x{node: {state: {selected: {fill: 'red',}}}}
Change animate / animateCfg
options has been changed to animation
and animateCfg
have been merged into animation
// 4.x{animate: true,}// 5.x{animation: true,}{animation: {duration: 500,easing: 'easeLinear',}}
Change minZoom / maxZoom
and maxZoom
options have been merged into zoomRange
// 4.x{minZoom: 0.5,maxZoom: 2,}// 5.x{zoomRange: [0.5, 2],}
Change renderer
G6 5.x supports multi-layer canvases and defaults to using the canvas
The renderer
no longer supports the string type and has been changed to a callback function:
// 4.xvar options = {renderer: 'svg',};// 5.ximport { Renderer } from '@antv/g-svg';{renderer: () => new Renderer(),}
Removed enabledStack / maxStep
The built-in undo and redo functionality has been removed in version 5.x. For related capabilities, please use a plugin to implement.
Change data / save / read / changeData
Version 5.x offers a completely new data API. For details, see Data API.
and changeData
methods from 4.x are replaced by setData
method from 4.x is replaced by getData
method from 4.x is replaced by setData
+ render
in 5.x.Change get / set
To access Graph options, please use getOptions
or the getXxx
API, such as getZoomRange
, getBehaviors
, etc. The set
method is analogous.
Change getContainer
Direct API to obtain the container is not currently supported, but you can obtain it through graph.getCanvas().getContainer()
In most cases, you do not need to directly manipulate the container.
Removed getGroup
Change getMinZoom / getMaxZoom
Use getZoomRange
to obtain the values.
Change setMinZoom / setMaxZoom
Use the setZoomRange
method to set the values.
Change getWidth / getHeight
Use getSize
to get the dimensions.
Change changeSize
Use setSize
to set the dimensions.
Change zoom
Changed to zoomBy
Change translate
Changed to translateBy
Change moveTo
Changed to translateTo
Change focusItem
Changed to focusElement
Removed addItem / updateItem / removeItem
To add or remove elements, use the methods addData
/ updateData
/ removeData
to manipulate data.
Removed refreshItem
Removed refreshPositions
Removed updateCombo
Removed updateCombos
Removed updateComboTree
Change node / edge / combo
Use the setNode
/ setEdge
/ setCombo
methods as alternatives.
Change showItem / hideItem
Use the setElementVisibility
method as an alternative.
Removed getNodes / getEdges / getCombos / getComboChildren / getNeighbors / find / findById / findAll / findAllByState
In version 5.x, direct retrieval of element instances is not supported.
, getNodeData
, getEdgeData
, getComboData
, which support searching by element ID.getChildrenData
method.Change collapseCombo / expandCombo
Use the collapseElement
/ expandElement
methods as alternatives.
Removed collapseExpandCombo
Removed createCombo
Combos can now be added using the addData
/ addComboData
Removed uncombo
Combos can now be removed using the removeData
/ removeComboData
Change setItemState
Use the setElementState
method as an alternative.
Removed clearItemStates
graph.setElementState(id, [])
graph.setElementState({ id1: [], id2: [] })
Removed priorityState
When using setElementState
, the state that appears later in the array has a higher priority.
Removed setMode
Use setBehaviors
to set the current behaviors.
Removed setCurrentMode
Change layout
Does not support parameters. To configure the layout, please use setLayout
Change updateLayout
Changed to setLayout
Removed destroyLayout
Change addBehaviors / removeBehaviors
Replaced with setBehaviors
Removed createHull / getHulls / removeHull / removeHulls
instances, you need to configure multiple hull
plugins in plugins
, such as:{plugins: ['hull', 'hull'],};
are implemented through setPlugins
, updatePlugin
.Not yet available getNodeDegree
Not yet available getShortestPathMatrix
Not yet available getAdjMatrix
Removed pushStack / getUndoStack / getRedoStack / getStackData / clearStack
All undo and redo related APIs should be called after obtaining the corresponding plugin, for example:
// 'history' is the key configured for use with the pluginconst history = graph.getPluginInstance('history');history.redo();
Removed positionsAnimate / stopAnimate / isAnimating
Animation-related information is now emitted through events:
graph.on('beforeanimate', (event) => {event.animation.stop();});
Change getPointByClient / getClientByPoint / getPointByCanvas / getCanvasByPoint / getGraphCenterPoint / getViewPortCenterPoint
G6 5.x uses a different coordinate system than 4.x. For details, see Coordinate.
Removed setTextWaterMarker / setImageWaterMarker
For watermark functionality, please refer to the Watermarkplugin.
Change toFullDataURL
Replaced with toDataURL
, specify the parameter as: mode: 'overall'
graph.toDataURL({ mode: 'overall' });
Removed downloadFullImage / downloadImage
Only the capability to export as a DataURL
is provided. If you need to download an image, please refer to the following example code:
async function downloadImage() {const dataURL = await graph.toDataURL();const [head, content] = dataURL.split(',');const contentType = head.match(/:(.*?);/)![1];const bstr = atob(content);let length = bstr.length;const u8arr = new Uint8Array(length);while (length--) {u8arr[length] = bstr.charCodeAt(length);}const blob = new Blob([u8arr], { type: contentType });const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);const a = document.createElement('a');a.href = url; = 'graph.png';;}
Removed clear
Use setData
+ draw
to clear data and the canvas.
Unlike G6 4.x, G6 5.x uses a unified extension registration function (register). You can refer to the Extension Register to register G6 extensions.
The following G6 4.x registration functions have been deprecated:
Compared to G6 4.x, G6 5.x has the following differences in events:
and touch
events have been removed and are unified under the pointer
+ object/property
+ action
, for example: beforeelementcreate
is triggered before an element is created.beforeelementupdate
and afterelementupdate
event has been changed to beforeelementstatechange
/ afterelementstatechange
event has been changed to beforetransform
/ aftertransform
.For a complete list of events, please refer to Event.