Why use iconfont? It offers great compatibility, a wide variety of icons, and multicolor options. For more details, please visit the Alibaba Iconfont Platform.
First, you need to download the desired font icons from the iconfont website. Create a project, select the required icons, and then download the generated icon files.
After downloading, place the directory containing the icon font files (typically including .eot
, .woff
, .ttf
, and .svg
files, as well as the iconfont.css
stylesheet) into your project.
You can choose how to include them. Below is an example of how to include them in HTML:
<head><style>@import 'path-to-iconfont/iconfont.css';</style></head>
{node: {style: {iconFontFamily: 'iconfont', // Corresponds to the `font-family` value in iconfont.cssiconText: '\ue7f1', // Corresponds to the `content` value in iconfont.css, make sure to add `u`iconFill: '#7863FF'}}}
To make it easier to retrieve icons, you can create a utility function getIcon
. This function reads the icon information from the iconfont.json
file and returns the corresponding Unicode character. Note that manually concatenating Unicode (\\u${icon.unicode}
) won't work. Refer to MDN String.fromCodePoint for details.
First, ensure you have an iconfont.json
file containing the detailed icon information.
import fonts from 'path-to-iconfont/iconfont.json';const icons = fonts.glyphs.map((icon) => {return {name: icon.font_class,unicode: String.fromCodePoint(icon.unicode_decimal), // `\\u${icon.unicode}`,};});const getIcon = (type) => {const matchIcon = icons.find((icon) => {return icon.name === type;}) || { unicode: '', name: 'default' };return matchIcon.unicode;};
Use it in your project:
{node: {style: {iconFontFamily: "iconfont",iconText: getIcon('logo')}}}