is a concept in G6 that collectively refers to all types of registrable content, including elements, behaviors, layouts, and plugins, among others.
represents a flexible extension mechanism provided by G6 and is a special type of Extension
Taking label
as an example, you can set labelWordWrap
and labelWordWrapWidth
to achieve text overflow ellipsis.
{labelText: 'This is a long text',labelWordWrap: true,labelWordWrapWidth: 50,}
Some plugins or behaviors support configuring key press triggers. Please use standard key names, such as Control
, Shift
, Alt
, Meta
, as well as letters, numbers, symbols, and so on.
Ensure that you call graph.draw()
or graph.render()
to update the canvas after updating the data.
G6 merges differences and updates the canvas uniformly after
for multiple data updates to improve performance.
When multiple interactions conflict with each other, you can set the enable timing of interactions to avoid multiple interactions being triggered simultaneously.
Taking drag-canvas
and brush-select
as an example, if you directly configure these two interactions, dragging on the canvas will cause interaction exceptions. You can disable the drag-canvas
interaction when the shift
key is pressed.
behaviors: [{type: 'drag-canvas',enable: (event) => event.shiftKey === false,},{type: 'brush-select',},];
At this point, when the shift
key is pressed, the drag-canvas
interaction will be disabled, and the brush-select
interaction will not be affected.
and render
Both draw
and render
execute drawing operations, but render
additionally performs layout and auto fit operations based on draw
You can simply understand it as: render
= draw
+ layout
+ fitView
Reason 1: The style in the data is overridden by the style in the style mapping.
{data: [{ id: 'node-1', style: { fill: 'orange' } }],node: {style: {fill: 'pink', // No matter what the style in the data is, it will be overridden by the style here}}}
Solution: Use a callback method to prioritize obtaining styles from the data to improve data priority.
{node: {style: (data) => {return {fill: data.style?.fill || 'pink',};};}}
When using the Canvas renderer for drawing, residual content may appear in the canvas, which is referred to as "dirty rectangles". This phenomenon occurs because the underlying rendering engine improves performance by only drawing the parts that have changed each time, rather than clearing the entire canvas.
However, when the graphics in the canvas change, there may be cases where some graphics are not correctly cleared, resulting in residual content.
You can solve this issue by:
Please avoid using Vue reactive data, Immer.js, and other wrapped objects as the data source for G6, as these objects will be deeply monitored internally, and even freeze the data object, causing G6 to fail to operate normally.
WARNING in ./node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/segment-cubic-factory.jsModule Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):Failed to parse source map from '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-cubic-factory.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-cubic-factory.ts'WARNING in ./node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/segment-line-factory.jsModule Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):Failed to parse source map from '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-line-factory.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-line-factory.ts'WARNING in ./node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/segment-quad-factory.jsModule Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):Failed to parse source map from '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-quad-factory.ts' file: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/xxx/workspace/antv-g6-learn/node_modules/@antv/util/esm/path/util/src/path/util/segment-quad-factory.ts'
Explanation: @antv/util is a tool library that AntV relies on at the bottom.
From the partial warning message above, we can see that there is a problem with the type declaration file of the @antv/util
tool library that G6 depends on.This warning does not affect the normal operation of the project.
This message will only appear in TypeScript projects. The following are ways to turn it off:
Create a .env
file in the root directory of the project and add the following content:
text GENERATE_SOURCEMAP=false text
Disabling sourcemapping directly is too simple and crude, and is not user-friendly for developers who may have debugging needs. Therefore, sourcemapping can be disabled for specific modules by configuring the build tool separately.
a. webpack configuration
module.exports = {// ...其他配置module: {rules: [{test: /node_modules\/@antv\/util\/esm\/path\/util\/.+\.js$/,use: ['source-map-loader'],enforce: 'pre',},],},ignoreWarnings: [/Failed to parse source map/],};
b. vite configuration
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';export default defineConfig({build: {rollupOptions: {onwarn(warning, warn) {// Ignore warnings for specific modulesif (warning.code === 'MODULE_LEVEL_DIRECTIVE' && warning.message.includes('@antv/util')) {return;}// For other warnings, use the default warning handlingwarn(warning);},},},});
In v5, the built-in colors are: export type BuiltInPalette = 'spectral' | 'oranges' | 'greens' | 'blues';
The solution is as follows:
const graph = new Graph({container: '#ID',width: number,height: number,data,node: {palette: {field: 'color',// rightcolor: ['red', 'green', 'blue'],// error// color: 'red'},},});
In v5, built-in plugins include
. Detailed reference
Actual reason: The parent container of the graph
instance, <div ref={containerRef} />
, does not have a height set, so the G6 Graph may not be able to calculate the correct size.If you want to enable the grid-line
canvas plugin, you need to set the width and height of the parent element, which is not valid in the graph configuration.
Use new Graph({xxx})
In v5, built-in layouts include
. Specific reference
v5 merges the graph and tree graph, no longer creates the tree graph layout by instantiating G6.TreeGraph
, and removes this method. For details, see Features - Merge Graph and Tree Graph
is configured portLinkToCenter to true
const graph = new Graph({container: xxx,node: {type: 'rect',style: {portLinkToCenter: true,},},edge: {type: 'xxx',},});
Implementation solution: #6347
const measureTextWidth = memoize((text: string, font: any = {}): TextMetrics => {const { fontSize, fontFamily = 'sans-serif', fontWeight, fontStyle, fontVariant } = font;const ctx = getCanvasContext();// @see https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/CSS/fontctx.font = [fontStyle, fontWeight, fontVariant, `${fontSize}px`, fontFamily].join(' ');return ctx.measureText(isString(text) ? text : '').width;},(text: string, font = {}) => [text, ...values(font)].join(''),);const graph = new G6.Graph({node: {style: { size: d => [measureTextWidth(d.label, {...}) , xxx] },}})
You can manually specify the IPointerEvent
type. For details, see #6346
import { NodeEvent } from '@antv/g6';import type { IPointerEvent } from '@antv/g6';graph.on(NodeEvent.CLICK, (event: IPointerEvent) => {// handler});
Update the node data, set the combo
value to null
graph.updateNodeData([{ id: 'node-id', combo: null }]);