The legend plugin is used to display the classification information of elements in the graph, and supports the display of classification information of nodes, edges, and combos.
createGraph({data: {nodes: [{id: 'node-1',type: 'circle',data: { cluster: 'node-type1' },},{id: 'node-2',type: 'rect',data: { cluster: 'node-type2' },},{id: 'node-3',type: 'triangle',data: { cluster: 'node-type3' },},{id: 'node-4',type: 'diamond',data: { cluster: 'node-type4' },},],edges: [{source: 'node-1',target: 'node-2',data: { cluster: 'edge-type1' },},{source: 'node-1',target: 'node-4',data: { cluster: 'edge-type2' },},{source: 'node-3',target: 'node-4',},{source: 'node-2',target: 'node-4',data: { cluster: 'edge-type3' },},],},layout: { type: 'grid', cols: 2 },node: {style: { size: 24 },palette: {field: 'cluster',},},behaviors: ['drag-canvas'],plugins: ['grid-line',{type: 'legend',key: 'legend',nodeField: 'cluster',edgeField: 'cluster',itemLabelFontSize: 12,},],},{ width: 600, height: 300 },(gui, graph) => {const options = {type: 'legend',trigger: 'hover',position: 'bottom',itemSpacing: 4,rowPadding: 10,colPadding: 10,itemMarkerSize: 16,itemLabelFontSize: 12,};const optionFolder = gui.addFolder('Legend Options');optionFolder.add(options, 'type').disable(true);optionFolder.add(options, 'trigger', ['hover', 'click']);optionFolder.add(options, 'position', ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']);optionFolder.add(options, 'itemSpacing', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'colPadding', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'rowPadding', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'itemMarkerSize', 12, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'itemLabelFontSize', 12, 20, 1);optionFolder.onChange(({ property, value }) => {graph.updatePlugin({key: 'legend',[property]: value,});graph.render();});},);
Plugin type
The class name of the legend canvas, which does not take effect when an external container is passed in
string | ((item: NodeData | EdgeData | ComboData__) => string)
Combo Classification Identifier
HTMLElement | string
The container where the legend is mounted, if not, it will be mounted to the container where the Graph is located
The style of the legend container, which does not take effect when an external container is passed in
string | ((item: NodeData | EdgeData | ComboData__) => string)
Edge Classification Identifier
string | ((item: NodeData | EdgeData | ComboData__) => string)
Node Classification Identifier
'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' Default:
Relative position of the legend in the canvas, defaults to 'bottom', representing the bottom of the canvas
'hover' | 'click' Default:
Legend trigger behavior
:mouseover the legend item
:click the legend item
Refresh the status of the legend element
updateElement(): void;