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Support setting a background image for the canvas to make the canvas more hierarchical and narrative.
createGraph({data: {nodes: [{ id: 'node-0' },{ id: 'node-1' },{ id: 'node-2' },{ id: 'node-3' },{ id: 'node-4' },{ id: 'node-5' },],edges: [{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-1' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-2' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-3' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-4' },{ source: 'node-1', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-2', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-3', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-4', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-5', target: 'node-0' },],},node: { style: { fill: '#7e3feb' } },edge: { style: { stroke: '#8b9baf' } },layout: { type: 'grid' },behaviors: ['drag-canvas'],plugins: [{type: 'background',key: 'background',backgroundColor: '#f0f2f5',},],},{ width: 600, height: 300 },(gui, graph) => {const options = {type: 'background',backgroundSize: 'contain',};const optionFolder = gui.addFolder('Background Options');optionFolder.add(options, 'type').disable(true);optionFolder.add(options, 'backgroundSize', ['cover', 'contain', 'auto', '50%']);optionFolder.onChange(({ property, value }) => {graph.updatePlugin({key: 'background',[property]: value,});graph.render();});},);
Plugin type