Hull is used to process and represent the convex polygon bounding box of a set of points. Hull has two forms: convex hull and concave hull.
Convex Hull: This is a convex polygon that contains all points and has no concave. You can think of it as the smallest bounding box of a set of points, with no points outside the polygon.
Concave Hull: This is a concave polygon that also contains all points, but may have concave. The concavity of the concave hull is controlled by the concavity parameter. The larger the concavity, the smaller the concave. When concavity is Infinity, the concave hull becomes a convex hull.
createGraph({data: {nodes: [{id: 'node-0',data: { cluster: 'a' },style: { x: 555, y: 151 },},{id: 'node-1',data: { cluster: 'a' },style: { x: 532, y: 323 },},{id: 'node-2',data: { cluster: 'a' },style: { x: 473, y: 227 },},{id: 'node-3',data: { cluster: 'a' },style: { x: 349, y: 212 },},{id: 'node-4',data: { cluster: 'b' },style: { x: 234, y: 201 },},{id: 'node-5',data: { cluster: 'b' },style: { x: 338, y: 333 },},{id: 'node-6',data: { cluster: 'b' },style: { x: 365, y: 91 },},],edges: [{source: 'node-0',target: 'node-2',},{source: 'node-1',target: 'node-2',},{source: 'node-2',target: 'node-3',},{source: 'node-3',target: 'node-4',},{source: 'node-3',target: 'node-5',},{source: 'node-3',target: 'node-6',},],},node: {style: { labelText: (d) => },palette: { field: 'cluster', color: ['#7e3feb', '#ffa940'] },},behaviors: ['drag-canvas', 'drag-element'],plugins: ['grid-line',{type: 'hull',key: 'hull-a',members: ['node-0', 'node-1', 'node-2', 'node-3'],labelText: 'hull-a',fill: '#7e3feb',stroke: '#7e3feb',fillOpacity: 0.1,strokeOpacity: 1,labelFill: '#fff',labelPadding: 2,labelBackgroundFill: '#7e3feb',labelBackgroundRadius: 5,},],},{ width: 600, height: 450 },(gui, graph) => {const options = {type: 'hull',members: ['node-0', 'node-1', 'node-2', 'node-3'],concavity: Infinity,corner: 'rounded',padding: 10,// stylefill: '#7e3feb',stroke: '#7e3feb',fillOpacity: 0.1,strokeOpacity: 1,// labellabel: true,labelCloseToPath: true,labelAutoRotate: true,labelOffsetX: 0,labelOffsetY: 0,labelPlacement: 'bottom',};const optionFolder = gui.addFolder('Hull Options');optionFolder.add(options, 'type').disable();optionFolder.add(options, 'concavity', 0, 200, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'corner', ['rounded', 'smooth', 'sharp']);optionFolder.add(options, 'padding', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.addColor(options, 'fill');optionFolder.addColor(options, 'stroke');optionFolder.add(options, 'fillOpacity', 0, 1, 0.1);optionFolder.add(options, 'strokeOpacity', 0, 1, 0.1);optionFolder.add(options, 'label');optionFolder.add(options, 'labelCloseToPath');optionFolder.add(options, 'labelAutoRotate');optionFolder.add(options, 'labelOffsetX', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'labelOffsetY', 0, 20, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'labelPlacement', ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom', 'center']);optionFolder.onChange(({ property, value }) => {graph.updatePlugin({key: 'hull-a',[property]: value,});graph.render();});const apiConfig = {member: 'node-1',};const apiFolder = gui.addFolder('Hull API');const instance = graph.getPluginInstance('hull-a');apiFolder.add(apiConfig,'member',new Array(7).fill(0).map((_, index) => `node-${index}`),);apiFolder.add({ addMember: () => instance.addMember(apiConfig.member) }, 'addMember').name('add member');apiFolder.add({ removeMember: () => instance.removeMember(apiConfig.member) }, 'removeMember').name('remove member');apiFolder.add({ removeMember: () => alert('Members in Hull-a: ' + instance.getMember()) }, 'removeMember').name('get member');},);
Plugin type
boolean Default:
Whether to display the label
number Default:
Concavity. Default is Infinity, which means Convex Hull
'rounded' | 'smooth' | 'sharp' Default:
Corner type
Elements in Hull
number Default:
TextStyleProps includes the following properties:
icon{TextStyleProps} means you need to use the following property names:
boolean Default:
Whether the label rotates with the contour. Only effective when closeToPath is true
boolean Default:
Whether the label is close to the contour
The maximum width of the text, which will be automatically ellipsis if exceeded
number Default:
Label x-axis offset
number Default:
Label y-axis offset
'left' | 'right' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'center' Default:
Label position
Whether to show background
number | number[] Default:
Label padding
TextStyleProps includes the following properties:
icon{TextStyleProps} means you need to use the following property names:
Add Hull member
addMember(members: ID | ID[]): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
members | string | string[] | 元素 Ids |
Get Hull member
getMember(): string[];
Type: string[]
Description: 元素 Ids
Remove Hull member
removeMember(members: ID | ID[]): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
members | string | string[] | 元素 Ids |
Update Hull member
updateMember(members: ID[] | ((prev: ID[]) => ID[])): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
members | string[] | ((prev: string[]) => string[]) | 元素 Ids |