Whether to open the barnes hut acceleration, that is, the quad tree acceleration
It is recommended to open it on large-scale graphs. By default, it will be activated when the number of nodes is greater than 250. Setting it to false will not be activated automatically
boolean Default:
Whether to open the hub mode. If true, nodes with high out-degree will have higher priority than nodes with high in-degree to be placed in the center
The height of the layout, default to use the container height
number Default:
The gravitational coefficient. The larger kg is, the more clustered the layout is in the center
number Default:
The repulsive coefficient, which can be used to adjust the compactness of the layout. The larger kr is, the more relaxed the layout is
number Default:
Control the speed of node movement during iteration
number Default:
The upper limit of the maximum node movement speed during iteration
'normal' | 'linlog' Default:
聚类模式、'linlog' 模式下,聚类将更加紧凑
'linlog':linlog模式 Clustering mode, the clustering will be more compact in the 'linlog' mode
'normal':normal mode
'linlog':linlog mode
Size | ((node?: Node__) => Size__)
Node size (diameter). Used for collision detection when preventing node overlap
(data: LayoutMapping__) => void
The callback function for each iteration
boolean Default:
Whether to prevent overlap
Must be used with the following properties: nodeSize or data.size in the node data. Only when data.size or nodeSize with the same value as the current graph node size is set in the layout configuration, can the collision detection of node overlap be performed
Whether to enable the automatic pruning mode
By default, it will be activated when the number of nodes is greater than 100. Note that pruning can improve the convergence speed, but it may reduce the layout quality of the graph. Setting it to false will not be activated automatically
number Default:
The tolerance for stopping oscillation when iteration is close to convergence
The width of the layout, default to use the container width