DagreAlign Default:
节点对齐方式 U:upper(上);D:down(下);L:left(左);R:right(右)
undefined:默认,中间对齐 The alignment of the nodes U: upper; D: down; L: left; R: right
'UL':align to left top
'UR':align to right top
'DL':align to left bottom
'DR':align to right bottom
undefined:default, align to center
PointTuple Default:
The position of the layout's top-left corner
boolean Default:
Whether to calculate the control point position of the edge at the same time
It only takes effect when the built-in polyline edge (type: 'polyline-edge') is used in the edge configuration, or any edge that consumes data.controlPoints as the control point position. In essence, it adds data.controlPoints to the edge data
boolean Default:
Whether to leave space for the label of the edge
It will affect whether to add a dummy node in the middle of the edge
ID | Node | null
The focused node
ID: node id
Node: node instance
null: cancel focus
It takes effect when radial is true
string[] Default:
The reference array of the order of the nodes in the same layer, storing the node id value
If not specified, the same layer node order will be arranged according to the mechanism of dagre itself
number Default:
The horizontal gap between nodes (px)
The horizontal gap between nodes (px) in the case of rankdir is 'TB' or 'BT'. The vertical gap between nodes (px) in the case of rankdir is 'LR' or 'RL'. nodesepFunc has a higher priority
(d?: Node) => number
The callback function of the node spacing (px), which can be used to set different node spacing for different nodes
The horizontal spacing of the node in the case of rankdir is 'TB' or 'BT', and the vertical spacing of the node in the case of rankdir is 'LR' or 'RL'. The priority is higher than nodesep, that is, if nodesepFunc is set, nodesep does not take effect
Size | ((nodeData: Node) => Size) Default:
The diameter of the node
Used for collision detection when nodes overlap
OutNode[] Default:
The reference node position when calculating the layout
It is generally used to ensure the continuity of the layout when switching data. In G6, if you update the data, the existing layout result data will be used as input automatically
Whether to use dagre for radial layout
DagreRankdir Default:
'RL':从右至左布局 The direction of the layout. T: top; B: bottom; L: left; R: right
'TB':from top to bottom
'BT':from bottom to top
'LR':from left to right
'RL':from right to left
'network-simplex' | 'tight-tree' | 'longest-path'
The mode of the layout
number Default:
The vertical gap between levels (px)
The vertical gap between levels (px) in the case of rankdir is 'TB' or 'BT'. The horizontal gap between levels (px) in the case of rankdir is 'LR' or 'RL'. ranksepFunc has a higher priority
(d?: Node) => number
The callback function of the layer spacing (px)
The vertical spacing of adjacent layers in the case of rankdir is 'TB' or 'BT', and the horizontal spacing of adjacent layers in the case of rankdir is 'LR' or 'RL'. The priority is higher than nodesep, that is, if nodesepFunc is set, nodesep does not take effect
boolean Default:
Whether to sort nodes in the same layer according to the parentId in each node data to prevent Combo overlapping
It is recommended to configure when there is a Combo