Contextmenu, also known as the right-click menu , is a menu that appears when a user clicks on a specific area. Supports triggering custom events before and after clicking.
createGraph({data: {nodes: [{ id: 'node-0' },{ id: 'node-1' },{ id: 'node-2' },{ id: 'node-3' },{ id: 'node-4' },{ id: 'node-5' },],edges: [{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-1' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-2' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-3' },{ source: 'node-0', target: 'node-4' },{ source: 'node-1', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-2', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-3', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-4', target: 'node-0' },{ source: 'node-5', target: 'node-0' },],},node: { style: { fill: '#7e3feb' } },layout: { type: 'grid' },behaviors: ['drag-canvas'],plugins: ['grid-line', { type: 'contextmenu', key: 'contextmenu' }],},{ width: 600, height: 300 },(gui, graph) => {const options = {type: 'contextmenu',trigger: 'contextmenu',offsetX: 4,offsetY: 4,enable: 'always',};const optionFolder = gui.addFolder('Contextmenu Options');optionFolder.add(options, 'type').disable(true);optionFolder.add(options, 'trigger', ['click', 'contextmenu']);optionFolder.add(options, 'offsetX', 0, 10, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'offsetY', 0, 10, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'enable', ['always', 'node', 'edge']);optionFolder.onChange((e) => {const { offsetX, offsetY, enable, } = e.object;let enableFn = () => true;if ((enable === 'node') | (enable === 'edge')) {enableFn = (e) => e.targetType === enable;}graph.updatePlugin({key: 'contextmenu',offset: [offsetX, offsetY],enable: enableFn,,});graph.render();});const apiFolder = gui.addFolder('Contextmenu API');const instance = graph.getPluginInstance('contextmenu');apiFolder.add(instance, 'hide');},);
Plugin type
string Default:
The class name appended to the menu DOM for custom styles
boolean | ((event: IElementEvent) => boolean) Default:
Whether the plugin is available, determine whether the right-click menu is supported through parameters, The default is all available
(event: IElementEvent) => HTMLElement | string | Promise**<**HTMLElement | string>
Return the content of menu, support the Promise
type return value, you can also use getItems
for shortcut configuration
(event: IElementEvent) => Item__[] | Promise**<**Item__[]>
Return the list of menu items, support the Promise
type return value. It is a shortcut configuration of getContent
HTMLElement | string
The menu content when loading is used when getContent returns a Promise
[number, number] Default:
[4, 4]
The offset X, y direction of the menu
(value: string, target: HTMLElement__, current: Node | Edge | Combo__) => void
The callback method triggered when the menu is clicked
'click' | 'contextmenu' Default:
How to trigger the context menu
: Click trigger
: Right-click trigger
Hide the contextmenu
hide(): void;