createGraph({data: { nodes: [{ id: 'node-1' }] },layout: { type: 'force' },behaviors: [{type: 'scroll-canvas',key: 'scroll-canvas',},],node: { style: { fill: '#873bf4' } },edge: { style: { stroke: '#8b9baf' } },plugins: [{ type: 'grid-line', size: 30 }],},{ width: 600, height: 300 },(gui, graph) => {const options = {key: 'scroll-canvas',type: 'scroll-canvas',direction: 'No limit',enable: true,sensitivity: 1,trigger: 'Use wheel by default',};const optionFolder = gui.addFolder('ZoomCanvas Options');optionFolder.add(options, 'type').disable(true);optionFolder.add(options, 'direction', {'No limit': '','Only allow horizontal scrolling': 'x','Only allow vertical scrolling': 'y',});optionFolder.add(options, 'enable');optionFolder.add(options, 'sensitivity', 0, 10, 1);optionFolder.add(options, 'trigger', {'Use wheel by default': [],'Shift+Arrow Key': {up: ['Shift', 'ArrowUp'],down: ['Shift', 'ArrowDown'],left: ['Shift', 'ArrowLeft'],right: ['Shift', 'ArrowRight'],},});optionFolder.onChange(({ property, value }) => {graph.updateBehavior({key: 'scroll-canvas',[property]: value,});graph.render();});},);
Behavior key, that is, the unique identifier
Used to identify the behavior for further operations
// Update behavior optionsgraph.updateBehavior({key: 'key', ...});
Behavior type
'x' | 'y'
The allowed rolling direction
by default, there is no restriction
: only allow horizontal scrolling
: only allow vertical scrolling
boolean | ((event: WheelEvent | KeyboardEvent) => boolean) Default:
Whether to enable the function of scrolling the canvas
() => void
Callback when scrolling is completed
boolean Default:
Whether to prevent the default event
number | number[] Default:
The scrollable viewport range allows you to scroll up to one screen by default. You can set the range for each direction (top, right, bottom, left) individually, with each direction's range between [0, Infinity]
number Default:
Scroll sensitivity
{ up: string[]__; down: string[]__; left: string[]__; right: string[]__; }
The way to trigger scrolling, default to scrolling with the pointer pressed
Destroy the canvas scrolling
destroy(): void;